Political Leadership Training (4th Batch)(4th Term) starting with the training
We are currently organizing Political Leadership Training (4th Batch)(4th Term) starting with the training topic, “Stress Management and Self-care” for two days from 2nd July to 3rd July, 2018 by trainers from AAPP. U Aung Myo Thet, the in-house trainer of Sandhi Governance Institute gave one-day training on “Sub-constitution and Federalism” on 4th July, 2018. “Responsible Business Training” facilitated by U Win Min, Senior Associate from Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business on 5th July, 2018. Two-day Power Analysis Training was provided by Daw Khin Khin Mra on 7th and 8th July, 2018. “Democratization and Party Building Training” at facilitated by U Aung Ko Ko Toe from Yone Kyi Yar Knowledge Propagation Society, Mandalay on 9-10 July, 2018. Public Policy Training”by Sayar U Khine Win on 11th-12th July, 2018. The last module , Research Advocacy, is facilitated by Sayama Daw Nilar Myaing which is followed by Social Research Skills training and data collection in the previous terms.

The second Workshop on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Infrastructure Development
The second Workshop on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Infrastructure Development, jointly organized by Sandhi Governance Institute and Ministry of Information is being held at PARKROYAL Hotel in Yangon on 25 June, 2018. The workshop has been facilitated by Professor Andre Palacios from University of the Philippines to share Philippines experience and ASEAN Principles as well as U Khine Win, the director of Sandhi Governance Institute.