2nd PPP monitoring in Myanmar: The Myitkyina Economic Development Zone Project
Case Study of Myitkyina Economic Development Zone Project
November 2019
This is the second quarterly report for PPP Monitoring Report about MEDZ Project (Myitkyina Economic Development Zone) that is the case study for PPP issue related China investment in Myanmar.
Sandhi Governance Institute (SGI) focus on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) issues of Public Infrastructure Projects and political economic areas related foreign investment. This report examined on five risk factors of PPP form of the MEDZ that including (1) development and construction risk, (2) operation and maintenance risk, (3) financial and economic risk, (4) legal regulatory and environmental risk and (5) political risk.
Sandhi’s main objective focus on increasing transparency and accountability in the public sector and strengthening participation of all key stakeholders in public affairs and major investment.
The Center of International Private Enterprise (CIPE) supported on this MEDZ Project monitoring activities.
Sandhi Governance Institute
MEDZ Project Monitoring Report (English) : Download link as below
Political Leadership Training (Batch-6)(1st Term)
U Khine Win, Executive Director of Sandhi Governance Institute gave a welcoming speech to the participants of PL (B-6) in the first day of the training. Now Sandhi is conducting the Political Leadership Training (B-6)(1st Term) from January 11 to January 24, 2020. Twenty-nine participants from different parties and organizations are attending in this training.
Sandhi Governance Institute
Political Leadership Training (Batch-6)(1st Term)
11-24 January, 2020.

Public-Private Partnership Workshop
Public-Private Partnership Workshop
27 – 28 November 2019
Irrawaddy Division
Pathein Hotel
Public-Private Partnership Workshop organized by Sandhi Governance Institute. This PPP workshop is the second times in Pathein Township at Irrawaddy Division. Members of parliament and the government officials related to PPP issues attended in this workshop. PPP Project purposed to budget transparency, responsible project implementation, accountable governance and enforcement of PPP rule and regulation of Myanmar.
We are greatly thanks for the participation and especially thank so much to U Win Htay who the regional minister of Electricity and construction of Irrawaddy Division.

Public-Private Partnership in Dawei
Public-Private Partnership Workshop
@ Dawei
2019 October 29 – 30
Dawei Hotel
The Record Photos of Public-Private Partnership Workshop organized by Sandhi Governance Institute in Dawei, Thanintharyee Division. Government Officials who related PPP sectors and Regional Members of Parliament attended in Public-Private Partnership Workshop that purposes to transparent PPP Projects, responsible business, accountable governance and rule and regulation enforcement expressed Project Bank’s notification. Sandhi Governance Institute is greatly thankful for participants in PPP Workshop in Dawei.

Networking Meeting
Networking Meeting
@ Sandhi Governance Institute
2019 November 6 – 7
Sandhi’s Meeting Room
The Record Photos of Networking Meeting organized by CIPE (Center for International Private Enterprise). This Meeting included partner organizations in Myanmar. We discussed about research and advocacy. Thanks for your participation and greatly thanks ‘Ali’ who leading discussion.

Issues and Opportunities for Young Women’s Empowerment in Myanmar
Analysis report of the research conducted by Women Leadership Training Participants (Batch 13 and 14) of Sandhi Governance Institute in 2017